Nurturing Dystinct Minds

Dystinct Coffee Table Books

Our annual coffee table books are an artfully curated portfolio of the strengths of individuals with learning difficulties!
Dyslexia | Dyspraxia (DCD) | Dysgraphia | Dyscalculia
Informative and compelling, the Dystinct Coffee Table Books are a visual delight sure to inspire and uplift readers.
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The Dystinct Book IV is our latest book available for sale. It is a 264-page hard bound book featuring the artwork of 17-year-old Lucia Imprescia, an artist with ADHD (from USA) on the cover.

Please consider purchasing this book to support us so we can continue doing what we love!

Our Initiatives

Decodable Orthographic Mapping Resources

These digital books available on Google Play and Apple App stores help students who struggle with spelling confusing long vowel spelling patterns.
The books in this series aim to facilitate learning spellings through association of focus words to a fun storyline.

Dystinct Magazine

Our bi-monthly digital magazine available on the Google Play and Apple App Stores.
Issue 25: January 2025
Issue 24: November 2024
Issue 23: September 2024
Issue 22: July 2024
1 2 3 7

Our Partners

Please consider donating to our Not For Profit partners who are dedicated to creating a positive change through their hard work.

What's on?

Whole Class Teaching Lifts All Learners

Dr Nathaniel Swain

Dr Nathaniel Swain reflects on how and why his preferred method of supporting struggling learners in classrooms has shifted from individual learning intervention and differentiated groups to robust whole class instruction at tier 1 that allows struggling learners to realise their academic potential through repeated exposure to more of the same excellent quality instruction as their peers.

Teaching the Alphabetic Principle with a Speech-To-Print Approach

Holly Ehle

Holly Ehle discusses what current research reveals about how the brain processes and stores phonemes and graphemes in the brain and what implications that science has for classroom instruction that seeks to teach letter-sound correspondences and the alphabetic principle.

A Parent Guide to effective practice

Clare Wood

Clare Wood recommends effective instructional practices aligned with the Structured Linguistic Literacy approach that parents can adopt to help their children systematically learn concepts and skills in tiny sequential steps that lead to mastery over time.

Understanding Executive Functions - The Impact of Task Initiation Difficulties

Helen Trethewey

Helen Trethewey explains how task initiation, an executive functioning skill, can be a genuine difficulty for many students and how educators can help students overcome struggles with task initiation in classrooms.

How and Why a Structured Linguistic Literacy Approach Closes the Gap Quickly

Nora Chahbazi

Nora Chahbazi describes the logic underpinning the efficiency of the Structured Linguistic Literacy approach and demonstrates how it differs from the two other widely known approaches to reading instruction; Balanced Literacy and Traditional Phonics.

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