
Dr Marnie Ginsberg

Reading Simplified
Marnie Ginsberg, founder of Reading Simplified, is a reading difficulties detective who streamlines reading instruction.
colorado, colorado-springs, united-states
author, blogger, educational-therapist, educator, speaker, trainer
advocacy, educational-technology, literacy, training


Marnie Ginsberg, Founder of Reading Simplified, is a reading difficulties detective who streamlines the science and art of reading instruction so teachers can rapidly learn effective techniques that help students accelerate to grade level and beyond. She also helps translate the latest understandings from science into practical, easy-to-implement activities.

In the late 1990s, Marnie uncovered that her 6th-grade language arts students, on average, were reading 2 years below grade level. And despite her master’s degree and enthusiasm, she had no idea how to remediate their word-reading difficulties.

After eventually finding solutions for her struggling readers, she led the development of the Targeted Reading Intervention at the University of North Carolina beginning in 2005. Across 15+ years, researchers have demonstrated across multiple articles that struggling K-2 readers grow significantly in reading with the Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI), which is on the federal What Works Clearinghouse and is endorsed by many organizations such as Evidence for ESSA and RAND Corporation’s Promising Practices Network. Given the repeated, strong results of the TRI across multiple clinical trials, Dr. Ginsberg expanded the resources and adapted the professional learning approach to provide Reading Simplified for a broader audience beginning in 2013.

  • Established The Reading Coach reading clinic in 1999 in Chapel Hill, NC.
  • Led the development of the What Works Clearinghouse-listed Targeted Reading Intervention and its coaches beginning in 2005
  • Founded Reading Simplified in 2013 and the streamlined approach for teachers and parents, the Reading Simplified Academy in 2016. The Reading Simplified Academy training community has served over 11,500 teachers and parents.



  • Ph.D. in Education, Early Childhood, Families and Literacy | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007
    Dissertation: Transactions Among Early Reading Development and Individual and Environmental Conditions: A Case Study
  • Reading Specialist Licensure | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2001
  • M.A. in Secondary Education | Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA; 1996
  • B.A. in English Coursework for a B.A. in Economics also completed | Duke University Durham, NC; 1994


Former certifications

  • Secondary English
  • Secondary Social Studies
  • Reading Specialist

Training & Professional Development

  • Phono-Graphix Certification, 1999
  • Phono-Graphix Trainer, 2000

Professional Memberships/ Associations

  • Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading
  • International Dyslexia Association
  • International Literacy Association

Awards & Honors

  • Intervention that I led the development of at the University of North Carolina has been identified by the U.S. Institute for Education Sciences on their What Works Clearinghouse

Professional Experience

Reading Simplified, Founder| Reading Simplified; Colorado Springs, CO [2013 - Present]

  • Directing an online professional development community for teachers wanting to streamline their literacy instruction while accelerating student achievement. Serving over 200,000 teachers and parents via complimentary email coaching. Have served over 11,500 members inside our paid Reading Simplified Academy. Developed the Reading Simplified system for streamlined instruction and accelerated achievement.

UNC Research Affiliate & Educational Consultant | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chapel Hill, NC [2012-2013]

  • Led research study for Literacy Research Association Conference. Mentored the new Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI) Director and led the summer institute for the newly established TRI, Inc., business. Consulted for a new early reading iPhone app.

Program Developer, Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI) | Investigator, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chapel Hill, NC [2011-2012]

  • Developed content and led ongoing technologically-mediated professional development for TRI teachers in context of an ongoing IES-funded clinical trial with strong outcomes in all reading measures. Prepared a team of eight new literacy coaches who support these teachers. Guided the new intervention director. Partnered with the research and writing team on measures, school communication, conference proposals and grant writing. Co-developed original measures for second wave of TRI research.

Intervention Director, Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI) | Investigator, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chapel Hill, NC [2007-2011]

  • Directed a team of literacy coaches delivering webcam-based coaching to classroom teachers in rural, low-income schools in multiple states in an IES-funded randomized control trial. Provided ongoing professional learning institutes and video-conferencing workshops for TRI teachers. Advised principal investigator on all aspects (writing of theory, design, and intervention; budgets; appendices, etc.) of multiple federal grants, including a highly-rated i3 grant. Developed the content and designed the organization of the original TRI website. Served as a doctoral student’s dissertation adviser.

Lead Intervention Consultant, Targeted Reading Intervention | National Research Center for Rural Education Support, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chapel Hill, NC [2005-2007]

  • Led the development and implementation of the original, face-to-face model of the Targeted Reading Intervention—an IES funded research project for low-income, rural schools. K-1 students targeted are struggling readers, often minorities and increasingly ELLs. Partnered with the research team on measures, school communication, lead generation, and conference proposals.



  • Ginsberg, M. C., Amendum, S., Mayer, K., Fedora, P. & Vernon-Feagans, L. (2006). Targeted reading intervention (TRI) professional development guide. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina, National Research Center for Rural Education Support.
  • Ginsberg, M. C., Amendum, S., Mayer, K., Fedora, P. & Vernon-Feagans, L. (2006). Targeted reading intervention (TRI) reference guide. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina, National Research Center for Rural Education Support.

Journal Articles

  • Ginsberg, M. C., Vernon-Feagans, L., & Amendum, S. J. (2010). Webcam coaching for professional learning. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 14(1).
  • Vernon-Feagans, Gallagher, K.C., Amendum, S. Ginsberg, M., Kainz, K., Rose, J., & Burchinal, M. (2010). A diagnostic teaching intervention for classroom teachers: Helping struggling readers in early elementary school. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 25(4), 183-193.
  • Amendum, S. J., Vernon-Feagans, L., Ginsberg, M. C. (2011). The effectiveness of a technologically-facilitated classroom-based early reading intervention: The Targeted Reading Intervention. Elementary School Journal, 112, 107-131.
  • Vernon-Feagans, L. & Ginsberg, M. (2011). Teaching struggling readers in the classroom. Better: Evidence-Based Education, 4(1), 6-7.
  • Vernon-Feagans, L., Kainz, K., Amendum, S. J., Ginsberg, M. C., Wood, T., & Bock, A. (2012). The Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI): A coaching model to help classroom teachers with theirstruggling readers. Learning Disability Quarterly, 35(2), 102-114.
  • Vernon-Feagans, L., Kainz, K., Hedrick, A., Ginsberg, M., & Amendum, S. (2013). Live webcam coaching to help early elementary classroom teachers provide effective literacy instruction for struggling readers: The Targeted Reading Intervention. Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 105(4), 1175-1187.
  • Ginsberg, M. (2019). How do children learn to read?
  • Ginsberg, M. (2023). Another way: How can one teach decoding without phonics rules or syllable types? Dystinct Magazine, Issue 13, 35-50.

Papers, Workshops & Webinars Presented

  • Ginsberg, M. (2022, October). The second decoding strategy you never heard of: Set for variability. The Reading League Conference, Syracuse, NY.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2021, September). Limit Learning Loss: An ESSA funded 2-day training. West Lafayette, IN.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2021, August). 3 Activities a Day to Keep Reading Difficulties Away. Nairobi Academy Kindergarten and partner schools: virtual presentation. Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2020, October). 3 Activities a Day to Keep Reading Difficulties Away. Learning Assistance Teachers’ Association of British Columbia Conference: virtual presentation, Vancouver, BC.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2019, October). Decoding Development to Reflect Modern Phonemic Awareness and Orthographic Research. The Reading League Conference, Syracuse, NY.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2019, October). Making Phonics Stick. Learning Assistance Teachers’ Association of British Columbia Conference: virtual presentation, Vancouver, BC.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2019, April). 3 Activities a Day to Keep Reading Difficulties Away. International Dyslexia Association, Upper Midwest Branch Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2018, October). 3 Activities a Day to Keep Reading Difficulties Away. Learning Assistance Teachers’ Association of British Columbia Conference: virtual presentation, Vancouver, BC.
  • Cavanaugh, C., Mancus, D., & Ginsberg, M. (2017, October). Differentiation in the Primary Classroom: Greater Success Through Prioritizing Skills. International Literacy Association Conference. Orlando, FL.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2017, October). 3 Activities a Day to Keep Reading Difficulties Away. Illinois Reading Council Conference. Peoria, IL.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2017, October). The Antidote to the Letter of the Week. Illinois Reading Council Conference. Peoria, IL.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2017, June). 3 Activities a Day to Keep Reading Difficulties Away. Iowa Reading Association Annual Conference. Ames, IA.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2017, June). The Antidote to the Letter of the Week. Iowa Reading Association Annual Conference. Ames, IA.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2016, September). Accelerate Advanced Phonics Simply. Illinois Reading Council Conference. Peoria, IL.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2016, September). Streamlined, Multisensory Decoding Instruction with Just 2 Key Activities. Illinois Reading Council Conference. Peoria, IL.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2016, June). Over 17 Common Core State Standards Accomplished in Just 2 Key Activities. Iowa Reading Association Annual Conference. Ames, IA.
  • Ginsberg, M.C. (2016, March). Three Activities a Day to Keep Reading Difficulties Away. Michigan Reading Association Annual Conference. Detroit, MI.
  • Cavanaugh, C. L., Ginsberg, M. C., Mancus, D., Renner, C. (2015, July). Up Close and Personal Engagement with Efficient Strategies for Beginning Readers. Pre-Conference Institute at the International Literacy Association Annual Conference. St. Louis, MO.
  • Cavanaugh, C. L. & Ginsberg, M. C. (2014, April). Seventeen Common Core Standards in Just Two Activities. Presentation at the Plain Talk About Reading Institute, Center for Development and Learning, New Orleans, LA.
  • Ginsberg, M. C. & Cavanaugh, C. L. (2014, March). Reading Simplified: Efficient Decoding Strategies. Institute presented at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Reading Association, Raleigh, NC.
  • Gunther, J., Ginsberg, M. C., Vernon-Feagans, L. (2013, June). Technology: a Tool Supporting Teacher Change in the Context of the Targeted Reading Intervention. Presentation at the Pixel International Conference: The Future of Education, Florence, Italy.
  • Ginsberg, M. C., Ohle, K., Bean, M., Cutrer, E., & Diamond, J. (2012, November). Webcams as windows: Looking into coaches’ support of classroom teachers. Presentation at the yearly meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA.
  • Ginsberg, M. C. (2011, December). Beating the achievement gap: A recommended plan for success for rural schools. Invited presentation to the Reading Reach Committee of the Roanoke River Valley Educational Consortium, Roanoke Rapids, NC.
  • Ginsberg, M. C., Cavanaugh, C. L., Vernon-Feagans, L. (2011, January). Classroom teachers in rural, at-risk schools change struggling readers’ outcomes in 15 minutes a day: A discussion of fidelity in the Targeted Reading Intervention. Poster presented at the Pacific Coast Research Conference, Coronado, CA.
  • Vernon-Feagans, L., Cavanaugh, C. & Ginsberg, M. C. (2011, January). Literacy coaching of classroom teachers through webcam technology to promote effective instruction for struggling readers: The Targeted Reading Intervention. Poster presented at the Pacific Coast Research Conference, Coronado, CA.
  • Ginsberg, M. C., Vernon-Feagans, L. Amendum, S. J., Kainz, K., Hedrick, A. (December, 2010). A synergy that closes the early reading gap: Webcam-coaching targeting both professional learning and struggling readers. Presentation at the yearly meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Ft. Worth, Texas.
  • Ginsberg, M. C. & Hedrick, A. (2010, April). A clinical approach to teaching and learning. Roundtable presentation at the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
  • Vernon-Feagans, L., Amendum, S., Ginsberg, M. C., & Kainz, K. (2010, March). The Targeted Reading Intervention: A classroom teacher professional development program to promote effective teaching for struggling readers in kindergarten and first grade. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington, D.C.
  • Ginsberg, M. C. (2009, November). Technologically-mediated collaborative consultation. National Research Center on Rural Education Support Research Conference, Chapel Hill, NC.
  • Ginsberg, M. C. (2009, April). The Targeted Reading Intervention: An introduction. In K. C. Gallagher (Chair), Supporting young struggling readers using the Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI): Multiple perspectives on a longitudinal intervention. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
  • Ginsberg, M. C. (2009, April). Toward a transactional model of early reading development. In K. C. Gallagher (Chair), Supporting young struggling readers using the Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI): Multiple perspectives on a longitudinal intervention. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
  • Vernon-Feagans, L., Amendum, S., Kainz, K., & Ginsberg, M. (2009, March). The Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI): A classroom teacher Tier 2 intervention to help struggling readers in early elementary school. In Evidence for Interventions for Struggling Readers. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington, D.C.
  • Ginsberg, M. C. (2008, May). Overview of the TRI. In M. C. Ginsberg (Chair), The Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI): Integrating professional development, distance learning, and diagnostically-driven strategies for K-2 struggling readers. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Ginsberg, M. C. (2008, May). Try out the TRI: Key diagnostically-driven reading strategies for K-2 struggling readers. In M. C. Ginsberg (Chair), The Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI): Integrating professional development, distance learning, and diagnostically-driven strategies for K-2 struggling readers. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Vernon-Feagans, Amendum, S. Ginsberg, M. C., Gallagher, K., & Kainz, K. (2008, June). A diagnostic teaching intervention for classroom teachers: Helping struggling readers in early elementary in rural America. Presentation for the Institute for Education Sciences Research Conference, Washington, DC.
  • Ginsberg, M. C. (2007, November). Transactions among early reading development and individual and environmental conditions: A case study. Presentation at the yearly meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, Texas.
  • Ginsberg, M. C. & Amendum, S. (2007, November). Accelerating student growth with the Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI): A dual-level professional development intervention for K-1 struggling learners. Presentation at the yearly meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin, Texas.
  • Amendum, S. & Ginsberg, M. C. (2007, November). Accelerating student growth with the Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI): A dual-level intervention for rural K-1 struggling learners and their teachers. Presentation at the Research Symposium of the annual National Rural Education Association Conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
  • Vernon-Feagans, L., Gallagher, K., Ginsberg, M. C., & Amendum, S. (2007, June). The Targeted Reading Intervention: Assessment-based strategies for struggling readers in elementary school. Poster presentation at the yearly Institute for Education Sciences Research Conference, Washington, D. C.
  • Vernon-Feagans, L., Ginsberg, M. C., & Amendum, S. (2007, June). The Targeted Reading Intervention: How Rural Diversity Makes a Difference For Implementation. Presentation at the yearly Institute for Education Sciences Research Conference, Washington, D. C.
  • Ginsberg, M. C., & Fedora, P. (2006, May). Targeting K-1 struggling learners through an ongoing, collaborative professional development model in literacy. Presentation at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Reading Association, an affiliate of the International Reading Association (IRA). Winston-Salem, NC.
  • Fedora, P. & Ginsberg, M. C. (2006, May). Using the NC K-2 literacy assessment to drive personalized literacy instruction. Presentation at the Closing the Gap Conference. Greensboro, NC.
  • Fitzgerald, J. & Ginsberg, M. C. (2005, April). Scaffolded reading experiences for English Language Learners. In Graves, M. (Chair), Scaffolding Reading Experiences Institute. Institute conducted at the International Reading Association Conference. Reno, NV.
  • Ginsberg, M. C. (2000, May). How to teach reading phonetically. Presentation at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Reading Association, an affiliate of the International Reading Association (IRA). Winston-Salem, NC.

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