
Lee Doyle

Passionate specialist educator working with children experiencing dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia.
australia, new-south-wales, sydney
advocacy, author, educator
assistive-technology, literacy
dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyslexia


Lee is a mother of two teenage boys, the oldest of whom has dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. After becoming increasingly dissatisfied with her role as a classroom teacher of 15 years and filled with a desire to provide support to children like hers, she embarked on a journey to learn about evidence based literacy instruction for students with learning difficulties. She trained with the IMSLE, qualifying as an MSL educator. She is also an AMADA (Associate member of the Australian Dyslexia Association), a recommended SPELD NSW tutor and a Sounds-Write practitioner. She established Hills Literacy & Learning in early 2016, a private practice that specialises in supporting students (and their families) with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD and other related learning differences.

She has developed a multisensory ‘Structured Start’ toolkit to use in conjunction with MSL/OG instruction. She is a firm believer in individualised, targeted programming and only use evidence based practices.

She has also created and teaches a ‘Tech Tools’ class that is designed for students in grades 5 – 9.  Students learn to use a variety of assistive technology apps, tools and tricks – things such as getting their devices to ‘talk to them’, using dictation functions, note-taking and organisation strategies in OneNote, as well as intuitive and predictive keyboards.



  • B.Teach | UWS, NSW, Australia [2000]
  • B.Ed | UWS, NSW, Australia [2001]
  • M.Ed | CSU, NSW, Australia [2005]


  • AMADA | Issued by Institute of Multisensory Structured Language Education, Australia [2017]

Training & Professional Development

  • MSL | Issued by IMSLE [2017]
  • Sounds-Write | [2020]
  • The Writing Revolution [2021]

Professional Memberships/ Associations

  • Australian Dyslexia Association | Associate Member [2017-present]
  • SPELD NSW | Professional Member [2017-present]

Professional Experience

DIRECTOR  |  Hills Literacy and Learning, NSW, Australia [2016 - Present]

  • Company Director
  • Practice Manager
  • Specialist Learning Support educator

TEACHER  |  Department of Education, NSW, Australia [2001 - 2016]

  • Classroom Teacher
  • Teacher Librarian
  • Learning and Support Teacher


Other Publications & Materials

  • Resource Development for Decodable Readers Australia

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