Elementary Literacy Department Chair | Toronto District School Board (Section 23 Programs) | Toronto, ON | 2012-2015
- supported and assisted colleagues in implementing literacy programs (utilizing technology) to best meet student needs
- supported colleagues in meeting department goals in implementing Nelson Literacy & TDSB MSIC modules programming in Language classes
- fulfilled administrative duties; collecting student data, writing department annual learning plans, planning staff professional development, supporting IEP development and providing support for Ministry of Education internal monitoring led monthly team meetings regarding literacy instruction and incorporating activities from the Literacy & Numeracy secretariat
K- 12 School Vice-Principal | Grand Rapids School (Frontier School Division) | Grand Rapids, Manitoba | 2005-2007
Collaborated with the Principal and Band Council in creating and implementing Department of Education programs and protocols in an Indigenous community. Also:
- responsible for the all school board and ministry documentation (i.e., yearly school plans, school improvement plans, school safety plans, timetables/scheduling, etc)
- worked closely with resource staff, implementing IEPs, with identified students with exceptionalities (i.e., ASD, ODD)
- developed professional development to support staff meet student needs and inclusion education model
- reduced suspension and expulsion rates by over 50% and helped increase the graduation rate by over 30%
- increased parental and Band Council support and involvement in the school, creating an ‘Elders Room’, andhosting community educational nights (Math Bingo, Open Library
K-8 Special Education Resource Teacher (SERT) | Duke of Connaught Jr & Sr Public School | September 2021- Current
Grade 7/8 Special Education Teacher | DA Morrison Senior Public School | September 2018- 2021
- taught/teach remedial Math and English to learners with diagnosed learning disabilities
- strong understanding of student exceptionalities and relevant programming to meet their needs ( i.e. IEP development, evidence based approaches, educational
goals/programming, CRRP)
- collaborate with a team teachers to support identified students in their classrooms. This includes creating a timetable to meet with staff & students while also helping build strong
inclusive teaching materials following Universal Design of Learning
- Provide academic support with digital manipulatives and a variety of e-learning activities
Toronto District School Board Section 23 Programs | September 2012- June 2018
Teaching in Section 23 Programs, fostered a strong partnership with East Metro Youth Services to help better meet the needs of under-serviced minors in special programming
- worked alongside students with a variety of psychiatric, emotional and behavioural difficulties (i.e. depression, anxiety, OCD, ASD, ODD)
- skilled in the use of a variety of diagnostic assessments for both literacy and numeracy (i.e. DRA, CASI, Flynt-Cooter, WFAS, Leaps & Bounds)
- extensive experience with special education procedures and documentations including IEPs and SAP system; IPRCs; and student transition within and outside the TDSB
- collaborated with agency staff (through team meetings) and students’ family to meet developmental, social and emotional needs of students
- teaching areas: grades 4-8 English, Special Education, Geography, History
High School Special Education Teacher | LTO Contract Toronto District School Board (Section 23 Programs) | Toronto, ON | June 2011-2012, July 2016
Teaching in Section 23 Programs, collaborated with local agencies (Delisle Youth Services & Blue Jays Lodge) and provincial ministries to help better meet the needs of under-serviced minors
- nurtured an environment that fostered safety and growth for at-risk students with dual diagnosis and differing learning abilities (ie. depression, anxiety)
- utilized a variety of learning and behaviour based strategies to enhance student success (i.e. Gardiner’s Multiple Intelligences, ABC Charts in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy)
- taught curriculum and life skills through creative and fun activities that were meaningful to students (i.e., cooking club, quilt patch sewing, volunteering with local soup kitchens)
- developed programming utilizing a multi-faceted approach to learning and 21st century technology; i.e. Read & Write Gold, Dragon Naturally Speaking, SMARTboards, Promethean
- worked closely with school administration to foster student achievement results; specifically in areas of guidance, assessment and the creation of IEPs
- teaching areas: grades 9-12, English, Special Education, History, Phys. Ed & Health
High School English & History Teacher | Grand Rapids School (Frontier School Division) | Grand Rapids, Manitoba | 2004-2005
- created engaging lesson plans and work with community members in accessing & implementing culturally responsive and relevant pedagogy
- worked closely with resource staff, implementing IEPs, with identified students with exceptionalities (FASD, ASD, ODD) and substance issues
- teaching areas: grades 11 &12 academic English & History
High School English as a Foreign Language (EFL) & History Teacher | ITESM Campus | Culiacan, Mexico | 2001-2004
- in a private school environment, taught high English language learning and History utilizing integrative technology (LMS- Lotus Notes, Blackboard)
- collaborated with Ph.D candidates from the University of Maastricht (The Netherlands) on the creation and implementation of problem-based learning (PBL) in compulsory curricula
- with a colleague, wrote and developed English learning-based curriculum projects at the high school and university levels
- teaching areas: grades 9-11 English as Foreign Language, Bi-cultural programming