Kelli is the founder of Handwriting Solutions, LLC. As a parent, she understands the struggles of handwriting firsthand as her daughter is diagnosed with both dyslexia and dysgraphia. As a professional, she has extensive experience in pediatrics as an occupational therapist. Kelli is a Certified Handwriting Specialist and an instructor for Aspire OT. She has specific training in learning disorders, including dysgraphia and dyslexia, as well as curriculums such as Handwriting Without Tears, Size Matters Program, & Because Neatness Matters. Handwriting Solutions, LLC offers 1:1 tutoring virtually, handwriting camps and clubs, parent and teacher support and consultations, school workshops, and educational seminars for professionals.
Owner/Tutor | Handwriting Solutions, LLC, Santa Rosa Beach, FL [2021 – Present]
Instructor | Aspire OT, Tennessee [2023 - Present]
Adjunct Professor | JCTC OTA Program [2018 -2021]
Occupational Therapist & Head of Program Development | Associates in Pediatric Therapy [2010 - 2014]
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