A compilation of the most inspiring content originally published in the July 2023 to May 2024 digital issues of the Dystinct Magazine.
This beautiful compilation is a labour of love, featuring the incredible journeys of everyday people with learning difficulties, evidence-based content contributed by specialists from around the world and colourful illustrations created by children with learning difficulties.
The cover of Dystinct IV, titled Impulse Control, was created by 17-year-old Lucia Imprescia, an artist with ADHD. Through her art, Lucia reflects on her journey from the challenges of impulse control to self-awareness and growth, using her experiences as a source of insight and empowerment.
This is the fourth edition of our annual coffee table book.
The book features some of the best content from the July 2023 to May 2024 digital magazine issues.
The Dystinct Book IV is a 264-page hard bound book featuring the artwork of 17-year-old Lucia Imprescia.
Each book comes with a Dystinct trophy-shaped velvet laminated bookmark with digital embossing details.
The Dystinct Book IV will make a fabulous addition to any library, therapy practice or home display.
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